Call to Old School Pinball Enthusiasts

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Call to Old School Pinball Enthusiasts

Just posted in response to Sno's "I'm Spoiled" thread in the Woodstove Section. Reaching out to see if there are any Electro-mechanical pinball enthusiast out there.  Especially interested in those out there who own machines in working or non-working order, seeking to sell or get rid of them. I'm all ears if this fits your description or have a lead on a machine that may be up for grabs. Travel often from Jersey Shore to Whiteface, so I may be traveling through your area and can swing by to check ou any game you or a neighbor or friend may have. Will also entertain leads on electronic machines of early vintage such as the Bally machines from the early 80's.

"Feets fail me not"
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Re: Call to Old School Pinball Enthusiasts

I love Pinball, for me the golden era are the mid90s Williams games, when the technology was perfect and just before they got really hot to add video game tech. I could play any of Medieval Madness, Monster Bash, Circus Voltaire, Junkyard, and Theatre of Magic all day. Junkyard was the only game I ever won, I defeated every boss and racked up a lot of points on multiball. I wonder if my record still stands, I was so dialed in that day.
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Re: Call to Old School Pinball Enthusiasts

I'm lucky, as if I'm not playing pinball at home, I'm 15 mins from the Silver Ball Museum in Asbury Park, NJ. If your happen to be anywhere near the Jersey Shore, make sure you make time to stop there. Check out their website if you haven't before:

They have a list of machines in operation at their facility located on the boardwalk in Asbury Park..across from the Stone Pony...Springsteen country.

"Feets fail me not"