Glen Campbell has Alzheimer's

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Glen Campbell has Alzheimer's

Kinda went off on this on Facebook last night. Glen Campbell developed Alzhiemers a few years ago, and somehow while having all the difficulty you'd expect, could still play, so he decided to tour once more. He needed a teleprompter for the words, but the guitar stayed with him for quite a while. Audiences were really understanding. (One woman said "if he want to play Wichita Lineman twice it's ok with me!") This is Dueling Banjos by a guy who can't find the bathroom or even remember he has a show to play:

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Glen Campbell has Alzheimer's

Do you think Glade Runner has Alzbeimer's, he kept applying for new user IDs and played the same tune over and over.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.