Gore 4-14-2019 Closing Day

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Gore 4-14-2019 Closing Day

Yeah, it was pretty ugly by Sunday, Gore’s closing day.

But coverage was still impressive on most trails. It wasn’t pretty but it skied alright.

Other bits were more fun

Junior skied the upper mountain for the first time.

Here he is on Rumor

We did feel some rain drops before the end of the day but were pretty lucky with the weather I think. Overall, I’m glad we made the drive.
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
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Re: Gore 4-14-2019 Closing Day

That there is some of the dirty dirty.

You guys are dedicated no doubt. I pretty much hung em up 3 weeks ago but Cody wants one more day so dusting em off for Friday.