Rossignol TMX 120 Boots size 26.5--SOLD 12/7/17

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Rossignol TMX 120 Boots size 26.5--SOLD 12/7/17

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Pair of rossignol tmx 120 ski boots in size 26.5. These are great boots with a LOT of life left in them. These are being offered at a ridiculously low price...$20....I just want them out of our storage closet and into the hands of someone putting them to good use this season! Preowned is the way to go, especially with how much life is left in these!

Daughter used 1 season--never worn to traipse through parking lot. Usual scratches/scuffs from use.

I'm tired of tripping over these in the basement. Please help.

would prefer not to ship, but can at your expense. Local pickup or meet/swap in following areas: Amsterdam, North Creek, Saratoga, Albany.

EDIT--added price