Scandals of the Past -- Vietnam

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Scandals of the Past -- Vietnam

I couldn't leave my car tonight because I caught the end of this story on the Pentagon Papers. There is so much interesting stuff in here: how no political party is infallible (fuck you, Johnson), why journalists are necessary to protect our democracy (fuck you, Drumpf), and what actual heroism looks like.

If you have a long drive or can listen to podcasts while you work I highly recommend it.
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Re: Scandals of the Past -- Vietnam

Funny timing. I was biking with a guy yesterday and we had a discussion about the press and it's role in government. He stated how he thought the press was sensationalizing everything these days. My feeling is that it has been this way for at least the last 200 years, however today we are more bombarded by it, you can hardly get away from it - except to go out and ride, or hike, or ski. The free and unfettered press is one of the things that makes this country great - a major check & balance. Today we may be bombarded by it but we are also exposed to so many different views whereas our elders had fewer choices. The change today is that depth of reporting and effort put into seems less.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Scandals of the Past -- Vietnam

PeeTex wrote
The change today is that depth of reporting and effort put into seems less.
Negative side effect of the decline of print and the move online.  Very hard to make money publishing now.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Scandals of the Past -- Vietnam

Harvey wrote
Negative side effect of the decline of print and the move online.  Very hard to make money publishing now.
More people getting their news from cable infotainment on the 24hr cycle which is also a hard turn away from well researched journalism.