Sunrise Photographs

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Sunrise Photographs

For your viewing pleasure....

First two are from Monday. Third is from yesterday and the last is from this morning.

In a way it's kind of like skiing. You can ski the same trail at your home hill on a daily or regular basis and it will usually ski different depending on the weather and snowfall etc. Same vantage point for the photos but different weather and clouds change the picture daily.

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Re: Sunrise Photographs

MC2 5678F589
Nice pics.

I see more sunrises than I want to between early work and early skiing. I think I like sunsets better because they almost always follow a good day and they put an exclamation point on it.
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Re: Sunrise Photographs

Adk Jeff
Here's one from Friday evening of the sun going down and a (nearly) full moon coming up.

The moon is between the bushes on the left, easier to make out in higher res.