Tele gear for sale - TM-18s, TM-22s, Scarpa T2

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Tele gear for sale - TM-18s, TM-22s, Scarpa T2

This is painful but my tele skis have been collecting dust over the past few years and it's not likely that I'll use them any time soon.

Here's what I have:
Atomic TM-18 (170) with G3 binding
Atomic TM-22 (180) with Hammerhead binding
Scarpa T2 boot (~size 10)

The TM-22 skis were pretty good in powder/chopped power.  Not sure if I ever used the TM-18's - bought them on ebay I think.

Contact me if you are interested in any of this equipment - you'll get a good deal on it for sure!

I'm located in the Syracuse area.  Email me at

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Re: Tele gear for sale - TM-18s, TM-22s, Scarpa T2

MC2 5678F589
The solution to Tele skis collecting dust is to ski more Tele! Still plenty of season left for it.