Workers of the World Unite!

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Re: Workers of the World Unite!

We are a Skype for Business shop, but in the transition to ‘agile space’ we left the video cameras behind. Full audio video through the ‘puter, with screen sharing and such, with dial-in for those not at a computer.  When they re-did our NY office five or six years ago they gave us all video cameras to mount on our monitors, hardly anyone used that functionality.

Our CFO isn’t a big regular work at home guy.  On occasion it’s ok as an exception, but most of what we do is servicing internal and external customers, and he feels they need to be able to reach or visit during core business hours.

I wouldn’t be good at the work from home thing on a regular basis.  Too many distractions, and not enough discipline to do the “100 miles” thing in a dedicated office.
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!