73% Open?

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73% Open?


I know it doesn't include glades....But 42 open trails is 73%? Trail report shows  a lot more than 14 or 15 trails closed...

All in all, it's amazing we still have 42.  Even though they're mostly lower mountain stuff, it does force me as a skier to go places I don't typically go, try things I don't typically try (like the box in the terrain park), and work on techniques that usually get ignored in a typical year. A "bad" weekend in Feb is better than no weekend in June!

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Re: 73% Open?

SIAWOL wrote
Even though they're mostly lower mountain stuff, it does force me as a skier to go places I don't typically go, try things I don't typically try (like the box in the terrain park), and work on techniques that usually get ignored in a typical year. A "bad" weekend in Feb is better than no weekend in June!
Agreed!  That's why I decided to try telemark skiing this year. I wouldn't want to give up a day in the glades to practice on the bunny hill, but this year is the perfect year to try a new thing. Those bunny slopes are always in perfect condition.
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Re: 73% Open?

I don't know what formula they use, but it think trails like echo, sagamore and twister (closed for racing) should count more than lower wood in, mica and twin fawns. I do agree that 73% is a stretch.

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Re: 73% Open?

it means that 73% of the ski-able acres are open
T'was the night before Christmas, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse...

"The Dog Pooped"
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Re: 73% Open?

I'm all for moving racing to Jug Handle.  Anyone else? Show of hands please.
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Re: 73% Open?

Maybe this should be a topic for another post but they should move the race training at Gore to Little Dipper and Twin Fawns. This area is totally underutilized and is good terrain for training as Little Dipper has a decent pitch and the kids could lap it easily on the double. This would open up Uncas, Twister and other training areas. There is nothing you can do about actual race days as the racing needs to take place on sanctioned terrain.
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Re: 73% Open?

Z-- I hear ya and hate to see Twister closed for race training all the time, but the way race team kids come screaming down the trails before and after the gates is a recipe for disaster around Lower Sunway and Jamboree....

I pray my two little ones in Mtn Adventure go nowhere near Showcase on the weekends for this very reason. Uncas, Twister, and Hawkeye are really the only options I think...keep the speedsters away from the learners.