ADK, Lake Placid, and Whiteface Mobile App

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ADK, Lake Placid, and Whiteface Mobile App

My wife and I recently launched an App for iPhone and iPad for the Adirondacks, Lake Placid, and Whiteface as a supplement to our printed 4-Season Guide. It features news and events as well as where to stay, eat, shop, etc. There is a Whiteface Category featuring Dining, Conditions, Ski School, Terrain park, Slides, and Race Program, Weather (both 5-day and mountaintop), Events Calendar, and a Trip Planner. Also included are Arts and Culture, Kids, Weddings, and Real Estate. There are some Mtn Bike trails, Road Bike routes, Swimming holes, Tennis, Golf, Things to Do, etc.

It is fairly new and a work in progress, so if you find any errors, omissions, or something you'd like to discuss, please let us know and we'll update it asap. We hope it will become a valuable resource for both visitors and residents alike. It is free on the Apple App store at or by searching ADK -> Search. For iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. Our Android version is in final testing and we hope to have it available by next week. Both are free to download and use.

Thanks for looking.
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Re: ADK, Lake Placid, and Whiteface Mobile App

Sounds like a good app. Good on ya for doing it for free! If only I didn't have a dumb phone, I'd definitely check it out.