Actual Condition Report that was too Negative by Hunter

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Actual Condition Report that was too Negative by Hunter

Hunter posted primary surface Frozen Granular for Saturday March 2, my friend and I approached the mountain with some hesitancy, fearing a weekend crowd with conditions that will quickly ice up. We were happily surprised with excellent conditions for a March day in the Cats. There had been some constant flurries all night giving from an inch to an inch and half ontop of some hardpack, but even the hard pack was snow and nicely groomed, certainly better than a FG report. We skied till about 1:30 with little deterioration of the conditions. Hunter should be ok right past Easter, and if the snow God's smile maybe well into April.
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Re: Actual Condition Report that was too Negative by Hunter

Big D
"Hunter should be ok right past Easter, and if the snow God's smile maybe well into April."

Hunter doesn't go well into April anymore. They stopped doing that years ago. I figure they will operate daily through Sat. April 6th (possibly open on Sun. April 7th) and then close for the season irregardless of how much base they have left. When skier attendance drops way off - Hunter is no longer willing to stay open. (not like the good old days when Hunter would go late April and even once into May).
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Re: Actual Condition Report that was too Negative by Hunter

Maybe I was being too optimistic and hopeful about the up coming report of a March Snow in the Mid-Atlantics, seems like the storm is veering South, anyway Hunter has been pretty good this year. 4times during the week and this Saturday and no complaints at all about the conditions. My friend and I just got back from Utah and were really happy with Saturday's Skiing.
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Re: Actual Condition Report that was too Negative by Hunter

Big D
Maybe, maybe... Hunter could go to Mid-April - That would be GREAT!!!!!
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Re: Actual Condition Report that was too Negative by Hunter

Nice report, JP. Everyone in the Catskills has done a great job this year. I am hoping to make amends and ski them all a bunch more before it's too late.