Alta conditions

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Re: Alta conditions

My granddaughter was in the background - you can see her legs. She murdered that low angle tree line. She dragged my sorry ass around for 5 days. We hiked a lot of ridges (she had to do a lot of waiting), Gun sight, High Greeley, Yellow tail, Devils Castle and the Apron. We got a lot of fresh tracks but nothing deep and no face shots. My skis took a beating and so did I.
But it was a great time. The highlight was on the third day when she told me that of all her friends, she like skiing with me most.
Don’t know how many more times we will do this together but I will go as many more times as she will tolerate me.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Alta conditions

PeeTex wrote
My granddaughter was in the background - you can see her legs. She murdered that low angle tree line. She dragged my sorry ass around for 5 days. We hiked a lot of ridges (she had to do a lot of waiting), Gun sight, High Greeley, Yellow tail, Devils Castle and the Apron. We got a lot of fresh tracks but nothing deep and no face shots. My skis took a beating and so did I.
But it was a great time. The highlight was on the third day when she told me that of all her friends, she like skiing with me most.
Don’t know how many more times we will do this together but I will go as many more times as she will tolerate me.
Sounds like a great trip!  Thanks for sharing.