Another day at Pico - 2/8/15

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Another day at Pico - 2/8/15

The skiing was great..

We are halfway through the ski season with 26 days of skiing and it has been a wonderful winter for most of the North East since middle November 2014. (That is if you like snow).

On ski day 26 we woke up to about another foot of fresh snow with more on the way. The snow was so deep in areas, our kids kept getting stuck so, we had to find areas where the stashes were not so deep or to ski on the front side where it was tracked out but, still loads of fun.

The Alba crew had the pleasure of skiing with our friends and their kids, where Nevada and Sandro were leading and teaching them how to navigate the glades. It is amazing how fast kids learn to ski and enjoy the snow, when other kids are around to teach them.

It has been a great season at Pico and we continue to be surprised by hidden trails apparently all over the mountain. We hope you like our latest episode and that you join us one day to make some turns
The family that skis together, stays together.