Anybody heading up to Hunter/Gore/Whiteface

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Anybody heading up to Hunter/Gore/Whiteface

We hope to me making turns up North tomorrow! Who is going where?  Snowing now at the Face!
The family that skis together, stays together.
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Re: Anybody heading up to Hunter/Gore/Whiteface

MC2 5678F589
I'll be at Whiteface Sunday. Trying to decide between Gore and Snow Ridge on Saturday. Will probably just end up at Gore because I want to pick up some newly mounted Tele skis on my way up.
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Re: Anybody heading up to Hunter/Gore/Whiteface

Adk Jeff
Gore with the fam on Sat, possibly up to WF on Sunday.
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Re: Anybody heading up to Hunter/Gore/Whiteface

Whiteface Saturday.