Article on Lake Placid sustainable Olympic Model

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Re: Article on Lake Placid sustainable Olympic Model

Peter Minde
A little more perspective on the costs of organizing a cross-country World Cup.  I didn't dig into alpine, but I'd bet that at the end of the day, no one's walking home rich after putting on an alpine race either.

Shameless self promotion, I wrote the story.
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Re: Article on Lake Placid sustainable Olympic Model

I think the NYC sprint race seems like a great idea.

As you mentioned Mt Van Hov needs some significant upgrades to host a race while Whiteface would need little to no investment beyond the operational / promotional costs of running the event itself.  Given that Alpine especially a speed event would have significantly better TV appeal I think that a Alpine WC event would do better money wise compared to a XC race.
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Re: Article on Lake Placid sustainable Olympic Model

Peter Minde
There's precedent for a NYC sprint event, as exhibition ski jumping events were held in Central Park at least twice in the early 60s.

In retrospect, I wish I'd asked Bodensteiner more about U.S. alpine events, or done some other research to compare cost/profit potential.

From what I gathered, I would infer - but cannot confirm - that selling international TV rights to a US alpine event would be much more money in the bank than cross-country TV rights.
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Re: Article on Lake Placid sustainable Olympic Model

No World Cup or greater will net a profit.  There is not enough revenue opportunity to outweigh the costs.  Even an alpine World Cup.  The organizing committee will just try to minimize the loss through sponsorship and in some cases TV.  The local organizer will hope for international exposure and having the name recognition.  Yes, large scale international events bring money into the town from the athletes, coaches, officials etc, but that money goes to the local hotels and restaurants, not to the organizing committee.  These events arent run to make money at all, that is not the purpose.  It would be nice if the Village and local residents actually helped to promote and welcome the events more.  I see way more excitement and participation for outside events like the horseshow and ironman, where those orgnaziers make a ton of money off the athletes.  I do not see very many locals at world cups, world championships and the like.
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Re: Article on Lake Placid sustainable Olympic Model

You would think that the town / county and assocication of local hospitality businesses would need to be a major sponsors kicking in to cover the expenses as they would see the benefits of the event.  That way the OC can break even and the local businesses make money which leads to increase bed and resturant tax revenue.
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Re: Article on Lake Placid sustainable Olympic Model

Peter Minde
About two thirds of the funding for the Alberta World Cup races comes from the provincial and federal governments.  That ain't happening in the U.S.  I also think it's difficult, for various reasons, to drum up sponsorship at the local level in this country.

There is/was a Lake Placid Winter Sports Commission, whose mission was to drum up winter sports events up there.  I belive they had something like 7 figures of seed money, I'd have to go back and check.  Is it still around?  
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Re: Article on Lake Placid sustainable Olympic Model

I saw quebec city is having a sprint XC race soon like you talked about
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Re: Article on Lake Placid sustainable Olympic Model

Peter Minde
They sure are.  Team relay Friday 7 Dec; individual sprint Saturday 8 Dec.  Watch streaming video here:

The U.S. women are coming on strong and are in the running for medals both days.  Strong men's team too!