Attn: Lolkl

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Attn: Lolkl

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Some of the local WF crew had a good slide day last Friday!

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Attn: Lolkl

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Re: Attn: Lolkl

Looks Good! It's hard to tell what kinda conditions you guys have from one day to the next. Us too. Lately, It's lots of Sun. Last night was 2" on Sun bake. We dug a solarium pit under the tram and pretty much drank beer all weekend. Nice views.
I met Kingslug a couple weeks ago. We only made it out one day on the lower mountain. His friends from the ski club he was with were not up to " Taking the tour." They were on the ground a lot. They were side stepping in the trees. There is a big difference in skills below Lake George.
Well... for next season there is a direct flight from NY to Bozeman.
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Re: Attn: Lolkl

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Direct to Bozeman - wow!  I really liked that airport.  Super easy.  And we loved Bozeman!  

We had a decent run the last three weeks.  Picked up 8-10 unforecasted Friday into Saturday.  It was a very nice suprise!

Are you guys getting anything from this week's pending mega storm?  Calling for 6-8 feet above 7500 in the Serrias by this Sunday!  It's over 800 for a round trip flight from ALB into Reno....
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Attn: Lolkl

Lolkl,  its now rainning in our beloved Adirondacks....  

I very well may be fishing on April 1!  

DH mtn bike rig going to LeepOff Cycles next week for a tune!  

I'm planning on riding the road bike into work starting next week...

The jet stream is somewhere near Hudson Bay!!! WTF!

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Attn: Lolkl

Yeah, it's blowing 50 -70 mph around here with warm wind. I think we lost half our snowpack in the last 2 days. Lifts won't spin today. Hard to get your bowl lit in these conditions. Luckily, I have a gift for getting things lit. Probably another Month until the ice is gone and I'm back in my boat.
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Re: Attn: Lolkl

Well, things picked up for us last week. We got about 3 feet. It was chest deep on Monday. We're still skiing. C'mon out... it's not too late.
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Re: Attn: Lolkl

tempting, so tempting....  until you look at airfare!!  $1000 plus round trip ALB to Boze
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Attn: Lolkl

So now it's getting cheaper to drive out here with a few buddies. ROAD TRIP !