Avy Class

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Avy Class

I just completed the Avalanche 1 class.  It was held up in Smuggler's Notch, VT 2/1 - 2/3.  It was taught by three excellent instructors with serious creds.  Three long days.  One day of classroom instruction, followed by a day skinning up into the Notch, where we dug snow pits and practiced with transceivers.  Day three was at Smuggies, off the back of Sterling Mtn, on Sterling Pond, about 1000 feet higher than the Notch.  More pits and lots of transceiver work, followed by an awesome avalanche rescue scenario.    They'd recreated a mock avalanche scene, with multiple burials.  An impressive amount of work moving snow, etc., making for an hour search.  Very sobering.

in 2014, the course is being held at Whiteface.  I highly recommend it.  
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Re: Avy Class


Your friends thank you...  :)

I need to refresh my avi skills... Took that class 10 years ago..  served me well!!
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Re: Avy Class

Firm believer in class room work. I took AVI 1 before the new beacons that do the pointing for you. We did not have enough snow for snow pits so they did a slide show. Need to get a shovel and a probe to fill out my AVI gear, already have a pair of transcievers.
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Re: Avy Class

i've taken avy 1.

odd thing is, I am now convinced that I'm more likely to die in a burial. Oh well, at least i'm informed.