Belleayre 2/25/12

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Belleayre 2/25/12

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Had a good day of teaching saturday with this lovely girl named Isabella for only her second time ever on skis she was doing really good at turning. After the lesson was over at 2 i made my way up top using the 1/2 and never expected what i saw...

The night before brought 3-5 inches of powder then this squawl lasted about 2 hours and dropped another 2 inches of pow and covered up everyones tracks.

The snow stopped for about 20 minutes while i was riding the 7 lift

Upper Yahoo was open!!! And with no moguls, first time ive skied it since october!

The snow was super soft and easily turnable just amazing to ski real snow

Went down to super chief took that up and skied Tongora which was very good snow in the trees  to the left i dropped in and went knee deep into pow

Next up was Belleayre Run which was in good condition

Some awesome glade skiing in the Belleayre Glades

The wanatuska bumps were still icy and dangerous

Upper Utsayantha was also open! super soft all natural snow

Skied Alqonguin which was amazing and had not been skied yet

Lower Peekamoose skied really well again, all natural snow