Belleayre, NY: 1/2/13

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Belleayre, NY: 1/2/13

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Ski day #4

I've been wanting to get up to the Catskills since the post-Christmas storm, but plans fell through and I didn't get there until today. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I'm glad I kept my hopes up!

It was a balmy 10 degrees and a slight wind when I got there, but the skies were blue and I was excited to see all of the snow had stayed put after the storm. I got on the quad by 10 and headed to the top first, hitting Horseshoe Pass, Lower Winnisook, Tongora & Belleayre Run. All of which, if I remember correctly, were groomed.

After that, I headed over to the west side to do laps on Tomahawk Quad, making one run each on Seneca, Pepacton, and Deer Run. I'm usually drawn to the west side and tend to spend most of my day doing laps off Tomahawk, but it seemed that the other side of the mountain, from the triple, over, was were the best snow was.

Top of Tomahawk Quad

Deer Run was hard packed and had very large bare spots in inconvenient places.

It started snowing by 11am and by 1 there was a pretty steady snowfall and it was clear it was accumulating a bit.

Ultimately I found the best snow off Lift 7 on Yahoo, Onteora, and Mohawk. Yahoo had small, soft bumps throughout the whole trail, especially on skiier's left towards the end of the day.


Deeper stuff on Onteora through the end of the day!

Another from Onteora..played with the contrast a little so you can see the bumps better!

Nice, soft, and carvable under the triple on Yahoo.

Found this in the Longhouse Lodge on my way's a map from their trail expansions in 1999

Overall, it was a really exciting day. I'm always happy at Belle; their rustic atmosphere feels so true to the skiing spirit. Now top that with amazing conditions and you have a day you won't soon forget!

*~It is better to go skiing and think of God, than go to church and think of sport.~*  -Fridtjof Nansen
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Re: Belleayre, NY: 1/2/13

i love looking at those old trail maps, they have a bunch of them in the bar under neath the glass counter tops
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Re: Belleayre, NY: 1/2/13

Hey! Nice report. I was there all week, best part was getting the kids to hike over to Cathedral Brook with me, then hitting the glades that weren't open at all last year. The kids saw the lean-to at the top of cathedral brook and planned lunch there the following day. It was well worth the small hike to ride this hidden jem. I rode off into the trees to snowboarders right of CG, though and got a bit stuck....