Belleayre: Starring In A Pop Song

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Belleayre: Starring In A Pop Song

In the summer of 1998, I drove to Dover, NJ to see one of my favorite singer/songwriters, British rocker Graham Parker, play a solo acoustic concert at a community arts center that felt more like someone's lakeside summer house, minus the lake. Before the concert, Graham was walking around the outdoor compound chatting with everyone like he was their old friend.

At one point, someone asked Parker how he spent his free time in the Catskills, where he and his wife had resided since the early 80s (they still live there). Graham mentioned that his favorite ski area there was Belleayre because it was old-school, good for families, and there were never lift lines. At the time, I was still 2.5 years away from my first season as a downhill skier and had never been to Belleayre, but I made a mental note of his recommendation.

Fast forward to 2010, when he recorded a concept album of sorts, Imaginary Television, featuring title songs for ten TV shows that don't exist. I downloaded it, but for some reason never got around to it until this morning (Parker has a huge catalog, so there's plenty of material to keep busy with). I was shocked to learn that one of the songs, titled "Snowgun," has Belleayre Mountain in the chorus! In an interview, he explained that the imaginary TV show for this song was "about this guy who is a snowboard freak and that’s all he does and he alienates himself from people. It’s really about loneliness." It's a very hummable tune and I think that Belleayre should adopt it as the ski area's official song.

If you'd like to hear it, go to 7:00 of this youtube clip complete with a homemade video shot at his house and a quick selfie of him sitting on the Tomahawk lift!
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Re: Belleayre: Starring In A Pop Song

We just got back from a 2-1/2 day expedition to the Pine Hill, NY MMSA (Major Metro Statistical Area), to see what all the fuss is about.  If compelled to relocate to that neck of the woods, I would matriculate @ Belleayre in a heartbeat.  We had some Gore Girls taking a PSIA LII exam, they went 3 for 3, nice work if you can get it.  Conditions were ideal, carveable cruisers with stiff bumps, cold AM, Bluebird all day.  Belle has great coaching terrain; pitch, cruisers, flats and ALL KINDS of bumps, enticing trees, (sadly not open).  Nice staff, striving local economy, no cell service.

Belle must rip in a dumper.  But wait, what local favorite hill doesn't?

All the best.