Belleayre: The story that keeps on giving

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Re: Belleayre, the story that keeps on giving

No more free season passes for seniors: LINK

That's a very reasonable price IMHO.
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Re: Belleayre, the story that keeps on giving

Benny Profane
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The Bellearyre fantasy RE project gets a mention here:
funny like a clown
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Re: Belleayre: The story that keeps on giving

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In reply to this post by ml242
I agree branding has its place.   But Catskills.  Is a pretty good brand  as far as I am concerned.   Is it branding or the state of society?.     People ( families who are no longer " families" fly to make believe adventures instead of real life adventures.   Its easier for parents to spend money than time and effort.      This is the reason for the decline in my view.      Maybe it is my circle of friends and coworkers but they are constantly amazed that I would drive 7 hours to get to the mountains or sleep in a tent w kids.     In their world kids use ipads and should watch TV in their own room while they watch TV in the living room.    Wii is for skiing.  

Not the brand unless we are speaking for the US in general...   the the brand is "soft".         My kids are average at best.   But they excel in everything they do afaist their peers....only because their peers parents are helicopter soft.  

Disney knows this and takes full advantage of the cattle lining up to go to slaughter.   (My kids were treated to a 5 day Disney cruise by grandma).  

The result is:   Catskills loose.       Look at the amusement park at lake George then see how many dads or moms take their kids mountain biking, zip lining, hiking or rafting while on the trip.  .    
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Re: Belleayre: The story that keeps on giving

I feel really stupid smoking pot all over belleayre now knowing that it was crawling with cops !

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Re: Belleayre: The story that keeps on giving

I hope thos water pipes that are being put in down there are not Hoyts....I have a feeling.
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Re: Belleayre: The story that keeps on giving

tjf1967 wrote
I hope thos water pipes that are being put in down there are not Hoyts....I have a feeling.
I wouldn't worry about that.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp