Belleayre vs. Plattekill

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Belleayre vs. Plattekill

Admittedly, I'd never really given these two areas much thought until Belleayre was added to the Gore/Whiteface Season Pass. I honestly know little to nothing about either. What are the pros and cons of each mountain? Do you have one you prefer over the other? Which is "better"?

I'm still not sure I'd ever make it down that way, but it's a nice option to have I guess.
"This is pure snow! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?"
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Re: Belleayre vs. Plattekill

I had a 5000 word answer ready to go but it was just erased for some reason. If you were skiing either today, you were in the right place. Heard it was really deep!