Best Ski Country Breakfast places

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Best Ski Country Breakfast places

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Just had a very good breakfast for lunch. Grandma wanted to get the family together so we skied to noon and met up at  The Country Bear in Wilmington.  It is my favorite breakfast place and it was excellent as usual.

If you are in a hurry on the way to the Mt their breakfast sandwiches are good too.  You can call in the order ahead of time too.

I love these small mom and pop places.  What are the best of ski country?
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Re: Best Ski Country Breakfast places

It's not near any particular hill in the ADKs, but the Raquette Lake Tap Room has a great breakfast spread. The menu is pretty simple- eggs, choice of meat, etc. You won't go home hungry, and the prices are great. Their breakfast sandwiches are excellent...probably the best breakfast sandwich I've had. The sandwiches are similar to the Meat Store of the North sandwiches described in a previous thread (never had a MSotN sandwich, I'm basing my comparison off of the description).
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Re: Best Ski Country Breakfast places

We don't often take time to eat much breakfast before skiing unless it's spring and a late start is in order.What we do is get a monster breakfast a Scotty's in Wilton on our way home.Mmmm. Steak and eggs.

Our Sunday tradition. Just finished up.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Best Ski Country Breakfast places

I wake up and leave early around 5am just so I can eat like a Viking at the Phoenicia Diner on 28. Ever since the new owners took it over a few years back the food is really really tasty. I try to get there about 7 am when they open, this way we can eat and still make first chairs at Platty.
  The menu has your typical breakfast meals and also some really great others like the farmers skittle.
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Re: Best Ski Country Breakfast places

I like the breakfast burrito at the mid mountain lodge...ask for potatos....get there after 5 or so runs around 10 am beofre the kids come in...back out at 1020...its a great way to power through.
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Re: Best Ski Country Breakfast places

Peter Minde
Hmmmm.. If I'm headed to Prospect Mountain in Woodford VT, the Blue Benn is the place to stop.  Great food; sadly the coffee is deplorable.  In Lake Placid, I generally cook breakfast.  But one time I went to Chair 6.  Glad I wasn't in a hurry.  It took awhile, but was so worth it.  And your choice of 16 different kinds of hot sauce, yeah!
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Re: Best Ski Country Breakfast places

Never been to Chair 6 for breakfast but they do a nice dinner in the summer.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Best Ski Country Breakfast places

MC2 5678F589
Love Chair 6 for breakfast. Ate at Breakfast, etc. (in town, right next to the Starbuck's) the other weekend and that was very good, too, though a little pricey.

Dunkin Donuts is usually good for me if I don't grab anything at home. When there's no rush to get to the mountain, I like a good long breakfast out at a diner or something.