Big Tupper, NY: 2/24/12

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Big Tupper, NY: 2/24/12

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        The recent snowfall in the Adirondacks has breathed some life into Big Tupper’s season. Until now, operation without snowmaking has been nearly impossible. Last week the weather finally cooperated, and the combined total snowfall on the mountain from those few days was near a foot. Previous episodes of snow and rain had built up just enough of a base to make the new snow both skiable and enjoyable.

        Aside from Friday’s skiing being spectacular, with plenty of expert terrain left ungroomed and mostly untracked, the atmosphere at Big Tupper really stood out. Everyone working there, from lift attendants to ski patrollers, greeted me with a smile. It’s hard to believe the place is run by volunteers. They seem happier than the paid employees at other mountains.

There is a new food service counter upstairs in the base lodge, open until 2:30pm. They serve all the expected ski-lodge fare, from burgers to nachos to cookies. Prices are completely reasonable- I walked away with two hot dogs for $4.

       I was still making laps on Chair 3 at 3pm when the lifties told me it was time for my last run. There was plenty of terrain to keep me occupied all day and there were hints that more would open as the weekend progressed. I would have liked to make it there Sunday but it didn’t happen. All in all, a great day.

View of Chair 3 from the top of Chair 2.
View of Chair 3 from the top of Chair 2.

View from the top of Chair 3.
View from the top of Chair 3.

Kim and Denise running the new cafeteria counter.
Kim and Denise running the new cafeteria counter.
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Re: Big Tupper, NY: 2/24/12

Nice, glad Mother Nature came to the rescue. I wanted to ski there, or some other small place in the Daks, Sunday when Whiteface was experiencing wind issues, but my GPS doesn't know where Big Tupper, Titus, Hickory are. It worked out for the best. I was in need of some rest. I've skied Mad River Glen and Sugarbush the last two days, both have been outstanding. More snow on the way, yeh!
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Re: Big Tupper, NY: 2/24/12

Cornhead wrote
Nice, glad Mother Nature came to the rescue. I wanted to ski there, or some other small place in the Daks, Sunday when Whiteface was experiencing wind issues, but my GPS doesn't know where Big Tupper, Titus, Hickory are. It worked out for the best. I was in need of some rest. I've skied Mad River Glen and Sugarbush the last two days, both have been outstanding. More snow on the way, yeh!
Dude, you really gotta stop relying on the GPS!! Do your homework on the internet before you head's really pretty simple. Then you can program it into your GPS if you need something to tell you how to get there.