Tough ethical issue there... we are world leading developed culturally and economically. Do we have the right to stop other countries from developing while we continue to be a top three polluter ourselves?
Eh. The fact is oil is a finite resource which means two things: It will get more expensive as time goes on which will spur alternative technologies (and make them cost effective eventually) and eventually, perhaps not in our lifetimes, oil is going to be close to done and the pollution will max out. The world will change and people will adapt. Species may go extinct while other species will get opportunities. Third world and poor countries will suffer the worst, developed nations the least.
Sorry if that sounds defeatist. We are all culpable with all the driving we do every season to go skiing (itself definitely not a green activity). I just try to be a reasonable as I call, drive fuel efficient vehicles, drive for max efficiency (usually), etc.
I am much more inclined to believe the economics and scarcity causing higher prices will solve the problem than anything else including education, off sets, and meddling with the ethics of other nations when we don't have good environmental ethics ourselves. It'll fix itself eventually but there will be a lot of pain first. The sooner we get to the pain, the better off in the long run for humanity, the environment, and the world. Just my opinion...