Bike Rides near Potsdam Area

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Bike Rides near Potsdam Area

So I did bring my bike up to school this year so I'd have a good activity I could do until ski season starts in November.  I'm not sure where there are good riding opportunities in this area.  There is a rail trail in Norwood (next town north of Potsdam), but I'm not really sure of any other good spots.  Does anyone have a better idea?
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Bike Rides near Potsdam Area

Lots of good riding out that way but its spread out not well known.

look up Saint Lawrence mt bike association to find out details.

Ride that bike petit homme and we'll sneak you into the slides this season. Always better when they are not open  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Bike Rides near Potsdam Area

Being told to recommend Stone Valley
I ride with Crazy Horse!