So I have a buddy who hasnt tele'd much and is going out west to Yosemite. He's looking for skis and skins combination to be right for Yosemite on the 25th of this month. I asked what ski his buddy was on and he said they were 4 inches at the waist.
I gave him my second string red t2xs. We are the same size.
Based on whatever the conditions are estimated to be in a week and a half what kind of skis should he rent.
EDIT: Back at my desk, the previous communication fiasco was done with the help of voice to txt.
How do you answer that right? It's a nordic trip, it could be anything you want. So I thought I would try to get him on par gear wise with his buddy. I figured if they both had the same gear, the odds for a fun trip go up.
I'm sure he could benefit from something more modern and rockered. Right now he's got my old red Atomics 85-65-75 at 191 cambered. (They look like pencils:) It looks like it will be warm out there over the next 10 days or so, so super deep may not be required?
I KNOW it's a ridiculous question, but I still think we can help him improve his odds with something shorter, fatter, curvier, rockerer.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp