Burlington certainly has change but what hasn't changed is that it's cool place to hang out. Every restaurant, bar, and brewery we went to was fabulous. The best meal we had was right in South Hero at the Blue Paddle Bistro
https://bluepaddlebistro.com/. If you happen to ever be there I highly recommend you checking it out. They're dog friendly as well.
We spent most of our time right at our place on the lake in South Hero
https://www.homeaway.com/vacation-rental/p4298792?uni_id=4708448The place was totally bangin and a bargain imo for the location and house. The private beach area was top notch, crystal clear water and very refreshing on those 90 degree days. The sunsets and campfires were nice as well.
The highlight of the trip was Stella. She is a great dog, Ron and Nina are lucky we didn't steal her!!!
We would play fetch for hours!!!
Great trip and we will definitely be back next year for more swimming in Lake Champlain.