Can we talk about Big Tupper without talking about ACR?

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Re: Can we talk about Big Tupper without talking about ACR?

miker92 wrote
So go to Whiteface then?

My point in making this thread was not to try to tell anyone that BT is better than WF. Sorry if it came off that way. I'm just trying to explain why I like the place, because I DO like it. Ski WF every chance you get and you will get bored. Throw in a BT day here and there and spice up your ski season. It's an affordable thing to do.

I really just wanted people to chatter about it, share experiences, etc. minus the shit show. Epic fail perhaps.
Not an epic fail. I am enjoying the thread.

I skied Big Tupper for a week when I was 5 years old. I wanted to get back but there was never a reason to travel so far from NJ. Eventually, while staying in Schroon Lake over Xmas break in 1989-90, I made the trek with my date. There was good snow at Gore and the report from Big Tupper was good snow and most runs were open. It took almost 2 hours to get there driving in light snow. We arrived to find about 6" of new on top of a modest base. I had a nice day - but the mountain was mostly blue and green trails. There were a few good drops off the now removed chair on the left (looking up from the base). The upper chair was a complete waste. I am glad I went. I have yet to return.

It is hard for me to justify the drive from North Creek. Gore is a mile away and WF is  80 minutes. Taking out the chair that served the harder trails is a bummer. I hope BT survives.
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Re: Can we talk about Big Tupper without talking about ACR?

ausable skier
In reply to this post by miker92
Noah - chill out dude.  

I appreciate what Miker is trying to do.  I love WF but sometimes it is nice to go to Gore for a day for a change of pace.  Gore has some serious flaws such as the flat spots IMO but also has some nice differences compared to WF.  Instead of driving 10 mins to WF I drive 90 mins to Gore a few times a year just for something differnet.  If BT was open and had recent snow I'd drive over there for a day in a good snow year so this was a good thread to learn about BT.  I think BT is  pretty cheap for a lift ticket and that won't change anytime soon if ACR us smart until business picks up.

If the trees  are not open at Gore I don't bother to go there.  If we don't have good natural snow I wouldn't bother with BT due to the lack of snowmaking.
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Re: Can we talk about Big Tupper without talking about ACR?

In reply to this post by x10003q
x10003q wrote
Not an epic fail. I am enjoying the thread.
Me too. Just don't have anything much to add because I haven't been skied BT. (Did walk it in the fall two years ago).  Really hope I get the chance. <Miker let's plan on it.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Can we talk about Big Tupper without talking about ACR?

In reply to this post by ausable skier
ausable skier wrote
Noah - chill out dude.  

Seriously??? Did you even read what Noah wrote??? There's no reason to chill, except for maybe you???
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Re: Can we talk about Big Tupper without talking about ACR?

ausable skier
campy - Miker was trying to have a postive discussion of BT.  Noah just wants to compare it to WF which I can understand but its not fair to BT to do that.  Noah kind of killed Miker's positive vibe
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Re: Can we talk about Big Tupper without talking about ACR?

Didn't think you read what he wrote
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Re: Can we talk about Big Tupper without talking about ACR?

Noah John
In reply to this post by ausable skier
ausable skier wrote
 Noah just wants to compare it to WF which I can understand but its not fair to BT to do that.  
I'm not the one who made the comparison - he is.  I agree, it's not fair.  That's basically the point I've been making.  

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Re: Can we talk about Big Tupper without talking about ACR?

Noah John
In reply to this post by miker92
miker92 wrote
My point in making this thread was not to try to tell anyone that BT is better than WF. Sorry if it came off that way.
No worries.  I should have let it go but it's a pet peeve of mine.  It's got nothing to do WF or even skiing for that matter.

miker92 wrote
Ski WF every chance you get and you will get bored.  
So true.  

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Re: Can we talk about Big Tupper without talking about ACR?

ausable skier
lets all have another beer and make up
A true measure of a person's intelligence is how much they agree with you.
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Re: Can we talk about Big Tupper without talking about ACR?

ausable skier wrote
lets all have another beer and make up
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Re: Can we talk about Big Tupper without talking about ACR?

ausable skier
that extra beer doesn't seem like as good of an idea this morning
A true measure of a person's intelligence is how much they agree with you.
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Re: Can we talk about Big Tupper without talking about ACR?

In reply to this post by ausable skier
ausable skier wrote
lets all have another beer and make up
Right.....but ya see, I got some Fat Tire, which we could drink.  I'd love to talk about Fat Tire......but how does it compare to Sam Adams or a nice Bass Ale?
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Re: Can we talk about Big Tupper without talking about ACR?

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The actual vertical of the skiable terrain is just about 1000' . The claims of 1152 are bogus. The 1152 figure is derived from the USGS marker at the summit of the mountain which is 150' above the top terminus of Chair 3. That said, Big Tupper is a great little area, esp for families and kids. The terrain is pretty mild, a few short steep pitches, at best about the same pitch as Mountain Run at WF. Although on the top of the Widowmaker trail there is one extremely steep pitch, about the same as the drop in to Blazers Bluff at WF, but it only about 100' long and about 50' wide. It's only good for 3 or 4 turns then levels off. Fun but short lived. The old chair that is now not running(chair 1) has the best terrain on the hill and can be accessed from chair 3 but that now requires 2 chair rides to get there. The run down from chair 3 to get to the good terrain can be a challenge for snowboarders, quite flat in 2 sections and goes uphill at the top of chair 1. However the old T-bar(now dead) served terrain that was great for beginner boarders. It's unfortunate all the snowmaking system was sold off by the developer, without that I don't see how the area can attract many customers. Although Big Tupper does get more snow(usually) than WF and it holds on the hill better because of less wind, relying on Mother Nature to provide is not a good strategy. This past winter case in point. Big Tupper can't really be compared to WF & Gore but it definitely has a nich in the ski industry, lets keep our finger and toes crossed and hope that it comes back to full operation soon.