Cannon Mt NH Jan 12-13

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Cannon Mt NH Jan 12-13

Attended a PSIA resort trainer clinic at Cannon

I expected narrow classic NE trails and was surprised on how wide the trails were.  Some of the Blues were narrowers but the blacks on what they call the front five are all super wide.  The steepest stuff is all at the bottom which is kind of odd but its  lappable with its own lift in the pod.  Good bumps and 30+ foot whales of cold gun pow.  We got 4 inches of Monday and another 4 over night for Tuesday.  It was super cold but my group was the first to hit these Tuesday morning and we happily tracked them up.  

The groomers were fun too.  Unfortunately glades and Mittersill were not in play.

Great views from Cannon.

Stayed in Littleton about 15 mins away.  This is a nice classic NE town with a busy Main Street with restaurants etc.  Shilling Beer Co is a must hit spot.

I will definitely look to get back to Cannon again.
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Re: Cannon Mt NH Jan 12-13

Bummer that timing on your trip didn't coincide with Cannon being in better shape. Hardscrabbles aren't open and many glades still need more snow. Looks like you saw the potential, though.

Cannon's reputation as narrow and old school skiing is really overplayed. As you saw, Cannon has a lot of really wide trails. But there are a lot of windy and somewhat narrow trails (Upper Cannon, Upper Ravine, Vista, Taft, Hardscrabbles, etc. all come to mind).

But the mountain really shines when everything is in play. Much as it is my favorite mountain, I don't ski it nearly as often as I used to and I tend to wait until things fill in. Don't be afraid to do a Mittersill run if it isn't "open". I actually prefer it when it is "closed".
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Re: Cannon Mt NH Jan 12-13

Too bad the full mountain wasn't in play because Cannon is amazing when conditions are right.  Mittersill is really cool and really unique and their glades are sweet especially Kinsman Glade which has a whole bunch of different features to it.  I just noticed they have added a bunch more glades since I was there 2 years ago, will have to get up there again soon!
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Re: Cannon Mt NH Jan 12-13

SnowSnake wrote
I just noticed they have added a bunch more glades since I was there 2 years ago, will have to get up there again soon!
They weren't really "added" except to the trail map.

A lot of those "new" glades have been there for a while. Some of the recent additions are accidents waiting to happen. Cannon trees are generally a step up from average, you gotta be on your A game in a lot of them. They weren't cut for the masses, that is for sure.