Cannon Mtn, NH: 3/1/12 (NSBS)

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Cannon Mtn, NH: 3/1/12 (NSBS)

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Ski Day 26: Yet another epic day.  This morning NSBS prepared to leave to NH. Packed our stuff, and hit the road for Cannon.  It had snowed several inches overnight where we were staying at Atittash.  As we set off we were in some pretty intense snow, and driving wasn't a simple matter.  The road through Franconia Notch we especially slick.  I followed River, with Matt behind me, and Sick Bird Rider behind Matt...

As we got closer to Cannon, the snow lightened up, and there was less on the ground. Hmm we thought.  It was snowing moderately hard as we booted up in the Base Lodge...

As we rode the lift up, we could see deeper pockets of windblown snow along the sides of the trails...

Storm day photos are usually neglected for a variety of good reasons. But I felt lucky to be along for the ride, and tried to make myself useful by pulling out the camera. At one point Matt laughed and said "Harv you're going to have to ski faster, if you want some pictures from the front."


On Monday, we developed a bit of a relationship with Upper and Middle Hardscrabble. There was something about the SHAPE of the bumps that were there that made them very much fun.  After skiing an incredibly tough run that mixed boiler plate with soft fluffy bumps, we'd opted to do it AGAIN.

Today we figured, if "The Hards" were good Monday, they would be even better now with 6 inches of new snow on top.

The Hard Guys

River eyes up Middle Hard

Matt on MIddle

Eventually the draw of Mittersill was too much and we headed over. It was snowing at a pretty good clip now, but the wind, all things considered was pretty reasonable...

We did two laps on Mittersill that took a big part of the afternoon...

Matt on the Mittersill side

Sick Bird Rider rides Mittersill

It was getting late and we wanted to finish with a bang. We found some incredibly beautiful snow at 3pm.  There was hootin and hollerin comin out of the glen...

We called it a day, and as I had done all day I followed Matt back from New Hampshire, through VT and into New York.  We went our separate ways with a plan to meet at Gore in the morning...

Nice to be...

Home Again

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Cannon Mtn, NH: 3/1/12 (NSBS)

Nice job Harv
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Re: Cannon Mtn, NH: 3/1/12 (NSBS)

Nice reports from all of you guys.  Glad you had a good trip and got some freshies.  Hope you have a blast at Gore today.  
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Re: Cannon Mtn, NH: 3/1/12 (NSBS)

What a great week. You guys had the luck. Keep those photos coming.