Chainsaw recommendations

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Re: Chainsaw recommendations

Coach Z wrote
I have a downed Hardac also called iron wood around here.  Should I even attempt to cut it up since I heard it will really dull the chain. I think they are in the hickory family.

Could just drag the sucker into the woods.

umm that is some of the best burning hardwood on the planet.  it takes 20 minutes to sharpen a saw!!  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Chainsaw recommendations

It's only like a couple inches in diameter so it would not net even a short camp fires worth of wood

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Re: Chainsaw recommendations

you should conduct an experiment to see if that is true....  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Chainsaw recommendations

i bought a 16 in Husqvarna from the home depot. it seems cheep but it works great. i don't use it often, some trail clean up or branches that fall in the yard. it starts eveytime which is something i am not use to in a chainsaw
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Re: Chainsaw recommendations

In reply to this post by Z
Z---,  I hear you on your query.     Every now and again I get brave and "test" my saw on a piece of hickory that I know damm well had died a few years back, stood a while, dried out and then fell.     Granted I have the safety chain I was decrying earlier in the thread, but after 5-7 cuts, the chain is DEAD.    Sparks flying, stupid me keeps cutting because I am tired, mesmerized by the sound of the engine and testosterone pumping.    Alas, I turn off the saw.  Time to change the chain.

Hull that thing into the woods, stand it up so it dries out more and store it in your memory banks for a future project you or your son might.    
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Re: Chainsaw recommendations


doesn't seem like worth dulling an brand new chain over

maybe I'll have my son cut it up with a hand saw next time I need a punishment
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Chainsaw recommendations

A hack saw with a 32 TPI blade would add to the punishment.
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Re: Chainsaw recommendations

Spent the morning cleaning up my woods.  There is some innately satisfying about cutting wood with a nice chainsaw.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time