Checking in From Big Sky Montana 3/22/13

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Checking in From Big Sky Montana 3/22/13

Wow, I can see that it is snowing back home and the skiing has been fine. I am so happy about this and glad you are all enjoying it. I am quite content here in Montana where we just skied our 5th powder day in a row. Today we were at Big Sky, and all I can say is is aptly is BIG!! It is also high, and that mean the snow was super light, it was cold. today, around 15 degrees. kiing the powdery trees and steep shots around Shedhorn and Dakota was sweet. The Tram was closed today, but it will be open tomorrow. Maybe Lokl can meet us at the tram in the morning? Lone Peak is way up there. I am awed looking up at it, and those fresh faces are oh so inviting. I'm intimidated by the "getting to the right place to descend" part of it.

I will try to get some pix up later. I'm still waiting for my pix of Discovery to upload.

Yesterday we stopped at Norris Hot Springs on our way from Discovery to Big Sky. If you get a chance, it is definitely worth the trip. They serve you drinks and food at the pool.

Rochester Mark (aka Mad Dog), Cool Dog and Slim Dog

Shi Dog

spinach, quinoa, goat cheese salad