Chic Chocs article in Powder

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Chic Chocs article in Powder

Most of the articles I see on the gaspe suck, but this one has some stoke to do it justice.
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Re: Chic Chocs article in Powder

Dude, that place looks so sick. I wonder how freaking brutally cold it must be in the winter?

I hope to one day visit that area. An east coast road trip would be so cool.

Must. Finish. School.
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Re: Chic Chocs article in Powder

Not a bad piece, but the buying of food far in advance because nothing is around isn't quite accurate. There's a nice grocery store in Sainte-Anne about 20 miles away
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Re: Chic Chocs article in Powder

skimore wrote
Not a bad piece, but the buying of food far in advance because nothing is around isn't quite accurate. There's a nice grocery store in Sainte-Anne about 20 miles away
That is one inspiring piece. I wish I was that young and could lap those mountains in 30 minutes. Takes me all day to hike up something like Angle or True North, and the last time I did any of that was 2 seasons and 15lbs ago. God I miss that.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.