While it's certain that different groups will have different theories about why this is happening and you can almost certainly guess who will think what based on their slant on reality, here is the data on this year from NOAA.
This year has been much warmer than average across the globe except in one spot. We all know the last winter in the eastern US was much colder (vs average) when compared to the rest of the world. Apparently this pattern has held through the rest of this year. The explanation for this cold spot that I read is brutal and tragic. And I desperately hope it is wrong.
Personally I do believe that anyone with a curious mind looking at this image would think this data is probably not statistical coincidence, if there is such a thing. Possibly even more tragic to me is that this post will probably end up in the OT.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp