Conditions at Pico... Trip Photos 1/31 - 2/1/2015

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Conditions at Pico... Trip Photos 1/31 - 2/1/2015

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Lower mountain - Golden Express

This weekend all the East Coast was as frigid as  can be but, with great snow on the ground, who cares what the temp was.

Our plan originally was to hit up another resort this weekend but, being that it was so cold and having young kids (tough ones I will add) we decided to save the dollars for another day and ski our home mountain.

Stashes could be found everywhere on the mountain as we discovered several amazing off the map trails

one of the several unmarked trails

Getting to the summit put us all over the edge but, man was it pretty..  

View of Upper Pike

Literally we were the only family on the summit lift. I wonder if people thought we were crazy...
We had the place to ourselves though after this one run, the kids were both frozen, my hands too were on fire.  So, we decided to stay on the lower mountain - and just do run after run on some great packed powder.

Super Bowl Sunday was just as cold as you know but, no wind - so we decide to ski off the top and hit the glades. They were fantastic and filled with stashes of powder knee deep.  Sorry no photos..  :) Camera wasn't working right.

On our afternoon summit, we took the opportunity for a family photo.  It's great to ski with family as you all know.

Pico feels like a bigger mountain than it is.....

The family that skis together, stays together.