Crowdfunding a house - wtf?

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Crowdfunding a house - wtf?

What could possibly go wrong by helping people buy a house they can't afford? This is the stupidest thing I've read today.

I hope CMG Financial goes out of business. And their dog barfs on the living room floor.

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Re: Crowdfunding a house - wtf?

I can't even believe that's a real thing. Amazing.
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Re: Crowdfunding a house - wtf?

Hey, I can't actually WORK and SAVE for a downpayment. I have huge school loans because I went to Cancun over spring break, partied every weekend, went to the beach all summer, did a semester in Europe, and never worked while in college to help pay for it. I just borrowed all the money. And now they actually want me to pay it back. Can you believe that?!
So just shut up and fund me for a down payment, will ya.
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Re: Crowdfunding a house - wtf?

witch hobble
What a time to be alive!!!

The new safety net is just everybody pre-emptively sets up a gofundme for all future expenses.

I think it was my dad who told me: there’s more to owning a house than being able to afford it.
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Re: Crowdfunding a house - wtf?

witch hobble wrote

I think it was my dad who told me: there’s more to owning a house than being able to afford it.
LMAO!!! My Dad told me the same thing
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Re: Crowdfunding a house - wtf?

D.B. Cooper
There's a universe that separates crowd funding from micro loans.
Sent from the driver's seat of my car while in motion.