Thank you Scotty!
Here is the relevant section:
OK Slip FallsThe 2780 acre OK Slip Tract is located in the Town of Indian Lake, Hamilton County. The tract contains one of the Adirondack’s highest waterfalls, OK Slip Falls, which drops nearly 250 feet before reaching the Hudson River below, and is surrounded by the existing public lands within the Hudson Gorge Primitive Area. OK Slip Pond is located in the center of this parcel and is encompassed within a 166 acre envelope of private land.
In anticipation of the interest of the recreati ng public to visit the waterfall, DEC will be identifying the most appropriate r oute for a foot trail to accommodate public access to this area.
The new trail will be developed in a manner that is respectful of the private inholding and ensures the safety of the public visiting this spectacular parcel. Public access to the OK Slip tract will be open when the designated trail for public access to the waterfall has been developed. This is expected to be in the Fall of 2013.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp