Did you guys buy passes yet? Buying tickets?

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Re: Did you guys buy passes yet? Buying tickets?

Funky Polak wrote
Harvey44 wrote
In the worst season in forever how many days did K operate?  
Admittedly I was being lazy.

I didn't see numbers from last season posted but 10-11 was a solid six months.  It looks like you are getting 5 1/2 or 6 months out of K.  A great season at many NY mtns is 5 months with 4 1/2 being more normal I'd guess.  So right there the K pass is worth more if you want to ski all season.

Funky - you're probably one of the best to ask - how does K compare valuewise to every other mtn in the East?  I guess you have to ask that both with distance from pop centers factored in and not.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Did you guys buy passes yet? Buying tickets?

Funky Polak
Harvey44 wrote
Funky Polak wrote
Harvey44 wrote
In the worst season in forever how many days did K operate?  
Admittedly I was being lazy.

I didn't see numbers from last season posted but 10-11 was a solid six months.  It looks like you are getting 5 1/2 or 6 months out of K.  A great season at many NY mtns is 5 months with 4 1/2 being more normal I'd guess.  So right there the K pass is worth more if you want to ski all season.

Funky - you're probably one of the best to ask - how does K compare valuewise to every other mtn in the East?  I guess you have to ask that both with distance from pop centers factored in and not.

For what I know, the Whiteface/Gore blackout seems like a better deal. Distance, Whiteface is no further than Killington for me in terms of time driving. However,  Killington has more terrain.
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Re: Did you guys buy passes yet? Buying tickets?

Benny Profane
It's quality over quantity, too. In the olden days, they made much more snow. Now, it's just a few trails, with Bear opening later and later. But, hey, it's probably smarter, business wise, so, I'd rather have a functioning mountain than one in bankruptcy for three or four seasons.
funny like a clown
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Re: Did you guys buy passes yet? Buying tickets?

Funky Polak
Benny Profane wrote
It's quality over quantity, too. In the olden days, they made much more snow. Now, it's just a few trails, with Bear opening later and later. But, hey, it's probably smarter, business wise, so, I'd rather have a functioning mountain than one in bankruptcy for three or four seasons.
True, but on Killington's behalf, I have to say they did an outstanding job with snow making an grooming for the first two months of the season to keep their early opening consistent.

Oh another good mountain for price, I believe, would be Jay Peak. However it's prohibitive for me due to distance. And when thinking pass prices, you also have to think lodging. Find great deals in Rutland.
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Re: Did you guys buy passes yet? Buying tickets?

Benny Profane
I hear ya. My ideal mountain would be Sugarbush/Mad River, but, that extra hour is not happening. As it stands right now, I am getting real tired of the 4-5 hour to Kmart, and my back hates it to. Heated seats in the next car and Advil in the glove compartment.

I once came back from a January trip to Telluride, where I had nearly spring conditions, and had much more fun playing in the guns at Killington the next week. There were 30-40 guns on Outer Limits, and 20-30 guns each going off in two other locations on the hill. Those were the days.
funny like a clown
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Re: Did you guys buy passes yet? Buying tickets?

Somewhere Funky has an amazing pic of the guns on outer limits. (I think it was Funky.)  It look like those guns are really tightly spaced on that trail.

I was thinking it would be fun to see a table of every northeastern mtn with it's full pass price for 2012-13 listed next to the five year average for terrain mile days next to it.

Like 1 mile of terrain open for 1 day = 1 terrain mile day.

Be fun to see it, not so fun to put it together.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Did you guys buy passes yet? Buying tickets?

In reply to this post by Benny Profane
i picked up the full adult pass. i always worry that the year i don't buy it, there will be a massive dump on a holiday week. Driving distance is key. gore is a 90 min ride. i find that a 2 hr plus ride on a regular basis wears very quickly. being over 50 doesn't help. props to everyone who drives up from metro area every weekend. your stamina is impressive. now if the star trek transporter became reality, i'd be skiing a different mountain every weekend.
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Re: Did you guys buy passes yet? Buying tickets?

Benny Profane
frk wrote
 props to everyone who drives up from metro area every weekend. your stamina is impressive. now if the star trek transporter became reality, i'd be skiing a different mountain every weekend.

There's a woman in my buddy's ski house at Killington who drives up from one the Hamptons every other week, and, sometimes more if it snows. That's adding on another two hours of NYC highway driving to my trip. She loves to ski.
funny like a clown
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Re: Did you guys buy passes yet? Buying tickets?

Full passes, Gore/WF