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Domestic Terrorism (Part 2)

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Domestic Terrorism (Part 2)

This post was updated on Nov 15, 2017; 9:15pm.
At least there was a good guy with a gun near by to stop the bad guy with the gun from killing more people. Good guy was an NRA instructor.
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Re: Domestic terrorism in Florida

warp daddy
Johnny you may crack up at our opines but frankly guys like you who fail to see the depth of the problem and use hyberole to 'splain  it away , well you scare hell out of me .
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Domestic terrorism in Florida

In reply to this post by Johnnyonthespot
Johnnyonthespot wrote
x10003q wrote
Johnnyonthespot wrote
• 65% of those deaths are by suicide which would never be prevented by gun laws
This is just not true. Suicide can be a momentary thought that is rendered instantly permanent with access to guns. If there is no gun, in many cases there would be no suicide. A gun in the home makes suicide 3 times more likely than in a house without a gun. You can still purchase a firearm at a gun show with no background check. Why is this still legal?
If someone wants to do it, they will find a way. I'm sure those who own a car are more likely to die in a car accident too. How do you know "in many cases, there would be no suicide"? Did they leave notes or was a survey done of the dead people? Come on man.
  As for gun show purchases, you know there are states where you just show a valid I.D. from that state and you are good to go, right? Criminals don't follow the laws.
If you want to learn about guns and suicide, here is a link:

And spare me the car argument. Until I can drive a gun to get to work or run errands or pick up my kids from school the "cars can kill you too" statement is absolute bullshyt.
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Re: Domestic terrorism in Florida

This post was updated on Nov 15, 2017; 9:10pm.
Bruh, ski you on the hill.
I don't rip, I bomb.
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Re: Domestic Terrorism

Sorry to say it looks the Domestic Terrorism thread needs a part 2.

I'm guessing we could all probably agree that guys who are out on bail for assault should have there AR-15s taken away?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp