Dropping stuff from ski lifts

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Dropped Equipment (revised)

As many of you know my name is Mike. I recently posted in this forum and got some positive and some negative feedback on my post regarding a survey that I had created. I have carefully thought about all your feedback and came up with a final survey. The link to the final version is here. I can understand if you don't want to take this survey again, but I can guarantee that it will only take a few seconds since its only 3 questions long.

I am by no means trying to troll. I am in a legit class and if I get enough positive feedback I will come up with a solution. If you want to troll, please fill out the survey seriously and then you can troll all you want on this post.
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Re: Dropped Equipment (revised)

ausable skier
the worst case of dropping stuff from a lift is the moron that dropped a cigarette from the WF gondi in the summer back about 10 years ago and started a forrest fire
A true measure of a person's intelligence is how much they agree with you.
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Re: Dropped Equipment (revised)

Benny Profane
First time I skied Big Sky was the last year of their original gondola, which was similar to the old Gore gondi, but, more decrepit at that late stage in life. On one ride, one of our windows fell out (over a blue trail by the base) and we counted two more cars that week with missing windows.
funny like a clown
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Re: Dropped Equipment (revised)

Found this on NS. Completely relevant.

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Re: Dropping stuff from ski lifts

In reply to this post by Jamesdeluxe
Jamesdeluxe wrote
Since I've now lived in NJ for seven years, I'm fascinated by the sheer amount of litter found along roads and highways (obviously not a problem specific to the Garden State, but it's really bad in certain areas here). This fascination has carried over to ski areas, where you can see the trail of garbage under lifts at the end of the season when the snow melts. Without making moral judgments, I often wonder why people feel obligated to do this.

A while back, I was riding in a gondola at Snowbasin, Utah with an employee who explained how many days in late April they have to spend cleaning up crap under lifts AND gondolas (where you have to pro-actively make a special effort to open the window and throw things out).

Here's an interesting attempt at a solution at Montage Mountain, PA posted eight years ago by TGR's Endless Season. As he notes, something like this would only work at a mountain where they don't get much snow.
Mountain Creek also has garbage cans under the lifts.  It is very convenient because you can just drop your garbage from the lift and the garbage all goes in the same place.  It is also fun to try and make it in.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Dropping stuff from ski lifts

warp daddy
Titus mtn also has garbage cans under one of the lifts  fom what i have observed it is not tooo effective , either that or people have very poor eyesight ;)
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Dropping stuff from ski lifts

gore had one near top of straightbrook chiar one year. most of the garbage missed the can.
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Re: Dropping stuff from ski lifts

In reply to this post by Benny Profane
Benny Profane wrote

Another thing. Drop your gloves, and you may as well ski carefully down to your car, because you have been severely jinxed for the day. Drive safely and slowly home, and don't touch any sharp objects or operate heavy machinery. This has been proven by the authorities. Consider yourself warned.
 Today I lost a mitten walking in the lodge (it was stuffed in my jacket pocket).  Went back to look for it and could not find it.  Switched to  my backup pair.  I am now typing with a skier's thumb injury after a fall on the darkside 3 runs after lunch.  First ski injury in 15 years... and my first lost glove ever.