Environment is Economy

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Environment is Economy

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Re: Environment is Economy

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Shutdown all the ski areas with these fancy high speed ski lifts and  the thousands of cars that travel to these places. The snow making with wasteful amounts of water and energy. What a waste
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Re: Environment is Economy

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skimore wrote
Shutdown all the ski areas with these fancy high speed ski lifts and  the thousands of cars that travel to these places. The snow making with wasteful amounts of water and energy. What a waste

Skin2win brah!  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Environment is Economy

I would be ok with the death of lift served skiing if it would help.  

I don't think I am upstanding enough to not ride lifts if they are running.

One thing is that without lift served skiing that selection awesome BC skis we all love probably wouldn't exist.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Environment is Economy

I'm afraid that we are beyond the tipping point and besides, I have little to no hope of us actually changing our behaviors without being forced to.

I'm pretty sure that skiing or the lack of is going to be the least of our worries. Once we start having issues with food and keeping people from from starving things are going to get ugly. Zombie apocalypse ugly.

When I hear how people are scared about losing skiing or how we need to save our winters I kind of get a chuckle. Skiing isn't shit in the grand scheme of things. There is a lot more bigger, scarier, and larger things at stake with the climate shifting.