Epic spring day at Whiteface April 7, 2011

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Epic spring day at Whiteface April 7, 2011

Duck T. R.
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I started the day out on the gondi and was told that they had 8"  of pow yesterday up top.  When I got up top there it was. It was groomed in on Skyward but Cloudspin was left untouched and then they opened the slides. Blue bird day and cutting a few fresh lines on April 7th. I never skied the slides before but that is some of the best terrain I've skied in the east. I skied all 4 slides but my favorite was #4. The bottom of it was just sick. "endless winter"
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Re: Epic spring day at Whiteface April 7, 2011

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Duck ... awesome.

Inquiring minds want to know... how long do you think the cover in the slides will hold up? Through the weekend?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Epic spring day at Whiteface April 7, 2011

Duck T. R.
There wasn't a bare spot on anything that was open, Should be a great weekend I wish I could be there. Have a great time.