Famous Ski Ad pics

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Famous Ski Ad pics

Remember this one?

Then of course there was another pic captioned "soft inside"...I recall it was another Lange ad complete with hot chick.

Found it:

"Feets fail me not"
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Re: Famous Ski Ad pics

There obviously is not enough snow back here in the east if this is a mid-winter thread.  Lange girl posters will undoubtedly take the cake in this category.


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Re: Famous Ski Ad pics

No..no there is definitely not enough snow. Have gotten more fresh on Long Island I think than upstate has gotten.
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Re: Famous Ski Ad pics

Bracing for next hit at the Jersey shore tomorrow night. JC, left LP this afternoon shaking my head in disbelief of magnitude of snow drought this season. UFB. We need the snow here in the Dirty Jerz like we need a hole in the head.

"Feets fail me not"