Fields of Dreams, Greek Peak 1/3/13

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Fields of Dreams, Greek Peak 1/3/13


  Okay, so it wasn't as dreamy as Saturday night when Ski Patrol threatened to clip my season's pass for skiing it, but it was pretty damn good! I hadn't skied GP since Monday. I was shocked that Elysian Fields was still closed then. As I ascended chair 1A I saw no one coming down the trail. Could it still be frigging closed? Nope, open, at last. Skier's far right on Fields has become one of my favorite runs at GP. It skied great, it seemed like fresh powder compared to the rather firm natural trails at Platty New Year's Day, maybe because it's been closed all week.

  I made the majority of my runs here tonight, but I did venture over to chair 4 to check the condition of Zeus. It skied great, a little thin at the headwall, but not bad. It is a real treat to ski it with zero ice beneath. I tried to ski it at the end of my night, but for some inexplicable reason,  it had been closed.

The new patrol shack at the top of Fields. The patroller said he sat in it Saturday night and watched me, "ski right by the closed sign three times". He must not have been there for the other six.

Looking down skier's right of Fields, yummy.

Looking up, midway down.
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Re: Fields of Dreams, Greek Peak 1/3/13

warp daddy
Good stuff Corny !! Way to get after it . Now dont b dissin them patrollers  , ya jes say sir what i was doin  was simply checkin out da goods so as to HELP save others that may wish to do so  and helpin you sir stay warm and all comfy like
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Fields of Dreams, Greek Peak 1/3/13

  I thought about telling him I thought the sign said, "thin and bare", but with a foot and a half of snow on the trail, that didn't seem plausible. Hey Acid Christ you out there, I thought about dropping your name, but I didn't know if that would help, or hurt my cause. I did pass over the patroller while just taking off on 1A, I told him thanks, wished him a Happy New Year, and asked if he knows Frank. He said yes, I asked if he knows him as AC, again he said yes, and we both chuckled. During the interrogation, I did tap him on the shoulder, and said, "Come on man, I've been waiting two years for this." I contemplated the consequences of them really pulling my GP pass, it wouldn't have been the end of the world. I'm off four weeks between now an March, and have many trips planned. It still woulda sucked.

  When I picked up my season's pass, they inadvertently gave me someone else's pass. Same exact name as mine with the addition of an "o" on the last name. I turned the pass in, and got the correct one. I should have kept it, it could have been my "get out of jail free" pass. With my luck, I'd end up in the slammer for theft of services.  
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Re: Fields of Dreams, Greek Peak 1/3/13

I'll bail you out bro

GP SP are pretty long as your not a d*ck about things they're pretty chill
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Re: Fields of Dreams, Greek Peak 1/3/13

I was cool Camp, I asked why the trail was closed, he said it was because of the snow making, I was no where near any guns. Then I thought they were "saving" the snow for the morning crowd, wrong again, it was closed on New Year's Eve. They've been doing some screwy things this year with regards to trail openings/closings. Last night Zeus was open when I got there, closed at 7:00. The trail was in great shape, why was it closed?

  Perhaps if I hadn't blatantly lapped it, and sneaked a run in every once in a while, they wouldn't have minded so much. I just couldn't resist, it was awesome!
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Re: Fields of Dreams, Greek Peak 1/3/13

Cornhead wrote
They've been doing some screwy things this year with regards to trail openings/closings  
i thought the same thing when i was there last thursday, but sp was nowhere to be found so everything seemed to be open game  

agree on skiers right of the fields, was damn deep there!