Fingerlakes Free Heel Festival Greek Peak 1/26/14

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Fingerlakes Free Heel Festival Greek Peak 1/26/14

It was pretty chilly at 7am, but that didn't stop a dozen people from skinning up to kick off the Finger Lakes Free Heel Festival. Included in that bunch is new co-owner John Meier.

The Corinthian room was reserved for the fest and all free-heelers found their way there.  Cornell Outdoor Education provided rentals. Those who were xc skiing were shuttled across the way to the Nordic Center, while the telemarkers hit the Alpha slope to be put into groups based on ability.

While I'm not an avid telemarker, I have free-heeled a few times over the years. My friend loaned me his Black Diamond Havocs and T1s. I somehow got in the advanced group. Steve Busch, a PSIA level 2 (almost level 3) instructor took us through the paces. We talked about stance and edging. We did a number of drills that helped make me feel much more comfortable with the tele-turn.

We took a break and went back out with our instructors for another round.

During lunch in the Corinthian room John Meier spoke to us and let us know that Greek Peak is interested in supporting nordic skiing. There are 3 PSIA certified telemark instructors and Greek Peak and they hope to get a fleet of rental gear at some point. There was also talk about a proposed uphill policy. Glade development is also on the docket in the future. As many of you know, there are a lot of skiable glades, that with a little work in the fall, a lot of lines can be opened up, just as we saw in Labrynth.

After lunch there were more clinics, but those of us who took the morning clinics were clinic'd out and a pack of us tore it up for a few hours in the afternoon, picking up other free-heelers and 3 free-heelin ski patrollers.

At 4pm they had a bbq, bonfire and beer tasting from a local brewery.

I did not stay for that because I was still in free-heel mode and met up with a friend for some xc skiing at 4:30.

It was a long day of nordic skiing. I feel like I learned a lot and felt better than ever on tele-gear. Now I'm thinking about buying a pair of fat all-mtn skis and mounting them tele. Or maybe I'll mount my Line Prophets tele.

The Finger Lakes Free Heel Fest was a success and hopefully will be annual event.
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Re: Fingerlakes Free Heel Festival Greek Peak 1/26/14

Glad it was successful. There sure were a lot of free heelers around sunday ---- there was one tele dude skiing switch, that was cool.