First skiing of the season!

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First skiing of the season!

It wasn't powder, but it was skiable. One inch of slush on top of wet grass was actually skiable. Not powder, but at least it was skiing.

75 feet of vert
75' vert?
third out of 6 laps
3rd lap
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Re: First skiing of the season!

Banned User
Ummm......did you fall ?
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Re: First skiing of the season!

No, I didn't fall, but it was tricky getting to the slope as there was about 10' of snowless trail I had to negotiate that had a little pitch to it. I skipped across it with quick steps until my skis would glide again.

The snow was slow slushy sludge.
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Re: First skiing of the season!

Banned User
I wondered if it was tricky.

Falling, nature's way of saying " you ain't so hot ". One time, I was cruising down Showcase at Gore when I suddenly realized...." HEY, I haven't fallen for the last 12-15 days" Instantly....whap! Down I went.

The snow was smooth, no obstacles and of course there was a group of skiers standing there......" Are you ok? "

Hehehe. Funny, huh?

Ever fall on flat ground ? Kind of a bitch getting up off the flat.
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Re: First skiing of the season!

70s Gore Kid
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Syracuse, NY
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Re: First skiing of the season!

Banned User
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Haha. That's funny 7GK. Here's another one.

Once we were stopped on a some what flat part of Headwaters. I leaned over to say something to our kid and down I went. Hopeing to get up quick and avoid embarrassment, I tried to rise up quickly but my skis were pointed down the hill. So, off I went, sitting on their tails, struggleing to get up as I slid down the hill. Several stops and retries yielded the same results, the kid laughing hard the whole time. HAHAHAHAHA!

Lil guy laughed his azz off.

For years he retold the story....Remember when.....HAHAHAHAHAHA!
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Re: First skiing of the season!

FWIW, I don't fall very often. I have really good balance and I've been skiing for almost 40 years.

Plus, now I'm just too old to fall

Just a matter of experience and self-preservation
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Re: First skiing of the season!

Rochester Mark
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PDQ, you're twisted, I love it. Bet Tova and Nutella were loving it! PS Rye too!