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Forum Guide: Posting Images

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Forum Guide: Posting Images

This post was updated on Dec 02, 2011; 9:24pm.
Posting Images in the Forums

Optimal maximum image size is 750 pixels wide.

For BEST repro-quality size your image first and then upload it.

Keep image size under 250k - page will load faster.

Choose Insert Image above the thread posting area.

Use the Browse button to find the picture you want on your computer.

Select the size you prefer if you haven't presized your image.

Click Insert Image.

Then post when you are done.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Forum Guide: Posting Images

Is there any way to make it easier for one to upload pictures from a phone?  I cannot upload an image from my phone without the entire thing crashing.  I tried uploading my pictures to Google Drive and downloading to my computer.  I tried 3 times to put pictures in a trip report this way, but instead of the image inserting, it would just display the image fullscreen.  Because this forum has no auto-save, it deleted everything I typed so far.  These issues are why I don't post as many TR's as I used to.  If I can't find a relatively easy solution, I may not be able to post them anymore.
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Re: Forum Guide: Posting Images

This post was updated on Jan 05, 2016; 12:24pm.

Droid phone pic test^^

I don't often upload pics from my phone (except for Instagram ^^) but when I do I don't have any trouble.  It seems like the people who have issues posting from a phone are using an iPhone.

I'd think it would be easier to pick my eight or ten of my best shots and email them to myself and then post from a laptop. Not ideal, or even close, but easier.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Forum Guide: Posting Images

I have a Droid Turbo.  It used to always upload, but then stopped working.  It would freeze when I hit the insert button.  I'm going to try again, but I don't think I'll have any luck.  I already typed the text to my next report in Google Drive, so I'm not going to lose the entire thing.
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Re: Forum Guide: Posting Images

This post was updated on Jan 05, 2016; 12:25pm.
Funny that's exactly what I have. DT Max.  Do you every restart it?

I'd always suggest backing up anything you put a lot of time into.

EDIT: There is an image size limit. May be 1 or 2 mb. How big are your images? How many are you trying to upload at once?  I can load 10 500k images up at a time without issue.

I'm in the habit of resizing, but maybe take them smaller. If you upload 61 pics at full res in one post it will load really slowly.

Sorry for the trouble.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Forum Guide: Posting Images

I'll try restarting.  My battery has also been draining recently.  My longest ever trip report had 61 pictures, and it uploaded in one shot, but that wasn't using my phone.  My most recent one was rather short at only 7.  I'm trying to get at least 10 in my next 2.  There'll be one report from Steamboat and one form Hunter.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Forum Guide: Posting Images

I upload pics to my flickr account and then get the url for the static pic and link it using the add image button. Works very well all of the time. It does take an extra minute to get the flickr url but it is worth it as all of the pics stay within my control. Not a big deal here with Harvey, but I'd rather keep ownership of all of my pics on all websites.
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Re: Forum Guide: Posting Images

Adk Jeff
I rarely post to the Forum from my iPhone.  About the only time I do so is from the chairlift or gondi to give a quick conditions update.  Including a photo from my iPhone worked OK until about a month ago, since then I can't get iPhone photos to post.  Not really a big deal for me, but it would be nice.

Sno, I'd recommend downloading your photos from your phone to a computer and then post from there.  Plus typing on a cell phone sucks (or I'm just old).  And anytime you're putting up a big post on the Forum (like a trip report), it definitely pays to periodically save your work by pasting a copy into Word or Notepad just in case (I learned the hard way).