Friday....Where should I go?

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Friday....Where should I go?

Was laid off this past Friday.  (I knew it was coming)  I want to ski this week.  I'm looking at Thursday or more likely Friday.  I see that Killington and Okemo are open.  Any opinions on where I should go?
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Re: Friday....Where should I go?

I was laid off too!! Sadly I'm busy this weekend..
*~It is better to go skiing and think of God, than go to church and think of sport.~*  -Fridtjof Nansen
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Re: Friday....Where should I go?

Sorry to hear that Jim.  I knew that mine was coming and I'll be back there in the spring.  So long as I can figure out how to pay the bills and take care of the family I'm good.  Once those things are covered I will be focusing on taking advantage of the time off and getting in as much skiing as possible. I look at it as "things could be worse!".  Take care.  Hope to see ya on the slopes!