Funky Blue Road Trip Day 1, Gore 2/9/11

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Funky Blue Road Trip Day 1, Gore 2/9/11

Funky Polak
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OK, here it is 5:30 and can't sleep, fell out to early last night, so here I am posting.

Started out our road trip at Gore, first time we ever hit this fine mountain. The reason refer to our little trip as Blue is because that's all my wife wants to ski. But all good, still nice being out there skiing. Temps were in the teens to low 20s, bluebird skies in the morning, got a bit windy, cloudy and colder in the afternoon. We started out around 9 and skied until about 2:30, non stop. Won't do a trail by trail report as quite frankly being new to the mountain, and a year older, I don't remember them all, but as stated, all blue with one exception. The runs we did were nice, but over groomed and as a result being overgroomed and I imagine some wind, were a bit on the hard side, not ice, but very firm. Still nice though hitting those long runs, of which Gore has  plenty. One thing that did suck was skiing past some of the tougher runs and the glades and seeing tons of fresh pow.  :(  If we were at Killington I would have split from my wife for at least a couple of runs. At Gore however, didn't want to do this as neither of us were familiar with the mountain. Towards the end of the day, we hit Burnt Ridge, I took a good fall going down Pipeline travers of all places, think I have it on video  :lol:  Anyway, at Burnt Ridge, I did finally talk my wife into doing a "tougher" trail in Sagamore. Guess what, turned into her favorite run. did that a few times. Hit the summit one last time and left. Definately have to hit Gore again, loved the variety of terrain and long runs. Didn't take too many shots, but here's what I have: